Saturday 12th August 2023
Report written by Dave M
A blustery afternoon was spent clearing litter from the beach whilst the tide was out. And we were joined by People & Stories and City of Sanctuary and met some new friends with some lovely chats.
We made our way around the top of the beach until the seaweed and rocks became dangerously slippy and so headed back for some refreshment with plenty of full bags!
A CoS member decided that the cardigan they found was too waterlogged to be worn on a Saturday night on the town. And Val won the pick by spotting the obligatory pair of pants. Sadly it was an undergarment too far and they had to stay in their resting place. Tess was very happy with all the fuss she received, although slightly miffed that noone had treats, even after she'd been spoilt at Pets at Home earlier in the day!
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