Root masters!

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Portsmouth
Val Cameron
Katie Carew-Robinson
Judy Knapp
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Sunday 12th January

Judy Knapp
Judy Knapp


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Report written by Judy Knapp

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Katie, Val and Judy started a new GoodGym partnership with Southbourne Age Concern and Southbourne Men's Shed.

We joined them to clear the tough-rooted buddleia, brambles and weeds at the side of their buildings.

Katie took a tumble when one particularly stubborn root gave way, and Val became the expert in de-tangling roots from the weed membrane.

We cleared the whole area and spread out the new weed membrane to keep it under control until they are ready to make design changes.

But there are plenty of other planting areas to tackle, and we'll certainly be invited back.

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Nore Barn Woods conservation
🗓Tomorrow 9:30am

Look after this precious woodland

Judy Knapp
One GoodGymer is going