Wednesday 10th November 2021
Report written by Alex Murtough (he/him)
I have broken a GoodGym code. Which is a code that no GoodGymer should break. And that is a code of timeliness.
For it is over 36 and nearly 48 hours since this wonderful Greenwich group got to the streets. And I've yet to write the run report.
I think - somewhere deep in GoodGym's founding documents - there's a rule that mean I should be docked 10 good deeds.
But anyway, here are my thoughts and recollections from Wednesday's happy evening.
11 of us met in our old haunt - the beautiful Royal Naval College - and we did so next to one rather big film set. So do watch out keen film buffs, for you may see some red-t-shirted good-deeders in the background of something soon...
And we were off to leaflet - to leaflet or our friends at Age Exchange. They are having a Christmas Fair at Blackheath Halls on Sunday 21 November, with all proceeds going to support Age Exchange in Blackheath, which helps people and their carers live well with dementia.
We shot up and around (in two groups) the streets surrounding Greenwich Park, spreading the news that there's a Christmas Fair in town. And it's a socially-focused and community-positive one at that.
Afer 45 minutes of word-spreading, jogging, walking, nattering, and giggling, we headed back to the lights of the College for a good ol' stretch and cool down.
As always, big big big thanks to Rachel for organising everything :)
Nice one.
Sat 20th Nov 2021 at 9:48pm
Great report Alex - worth the wait!
Get fit and do good in Greenwich