Wednesday 29th January 2020
Report written by Tav (he/him)
Firstly a huge Goodgym Colchester welcome to Claire and Helen who ran and walked to their first good deed. Their documents are checked and the journey with Goodgym has began.
Secondly tonights task was saved by our very own Vanessa who was able to unlock the Foodbank because no-one was available to open up. Vanessa not only runs with us but gives up her time to volunteer at the Foodbank too. With the secret code for the key safe stored in her epic memory Vanessa was our mystic key.
Ian, our walk leader, and Claire set off early as they walked to the Foodbank whilst the rest of us warmed up in the familiar way...high knees, bum flicks, side steps and lunge walks. We chatted and jogged our way to Colchester Foodbank where we met speed-walkers Ian and Claire.
At the Foodbank our regulars helped the new members with the task and we swept, mopped and dusted our way to a sweet smelling story of success.
Vanessa summarised the importance of our job:
"The Foodbank is very busy during the week and the staff and volunteers do not have time to clean."
The beauty of a walk leader is that it gives everyone the option to walk and Jules was able to join Ian and Claire to stride up East Hill where we caught them up. We did some inclined lunge walks and static leg strength exercises before again running and walking back to base to stretch and look forward to next week and Parkrunning at the weekend.
Well done gang.