Helen Malpuss


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Helping out at Southampton City Farm
🗓Monday 9th December 6:30pm

📍Southampton City Farm SO16 9FQ

Helping the farm to transform the community and lives of those who use it

LaurenEllieHelen MalpussTarek Baba
4 GoodGymers are going
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Helen Malpuss
Helen Malpuss went on a community mission

Mon 2nd Dec at 6:30pm

We’re bag in business!

Southampton Report written by Ellie (She/her)

We were all super excited for an indoor task tonight out of the cold helping Rose Road prepare for their Christmas Fair at the weekend. Rose Road provided the bags and we brought the enthusiasm! It was a very satisfying task getting the children's gift bags all ready for Santa to give out. We were an organised machine with myself, Abby, and Stephanie filling the bags in no time! Helen and Kathryn were the with the wrapping skills to get the tombola ready. We just had time to finish off labeling some of the children's present donations and putting some gift tags on the bottle tombola. Thanks to Chloe for keeping us hydrated with cups of tea and coffee too! We hope Rose Road's Christmas Fair is a huge success and look forward to helping again at the carol concert in a few weeks.

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Judy Knapp
Helen Malpuss
Helen Malpuss went on a community mission

Mon 25th Nov at 6:30pm

We’re on the edge!!!

Southampton Report written by Lauren

Back to the farm for more edging duties this evening. The majority of the team got stuck in edging whilst Helen and I became brushers - brushing away all the debris from the edgers!

We did such a good job we moved swiftly on to the front of the farm ☺

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Helen Malpuss
Helen Malpuss signed up to a community mission.

Mon 23rd Dec at 6:30pm

Christmas loveliness and litter

Keep the local area looking nice for people to enjoy

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Helen Malpuss
Helen Malpuss signed up to a community mission.

Mon 9th Dec at 6:30pm

Helping out at Southampton City Farm

Helping the farm to transform the community and lives of those who use it

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Helen Malpuss
Helen Malpuss signed up to a community mission.

Mon 16th Dec at 5:00pm

Christmas Carols by Candlelight Service

Support children’s charity with their fundraising and Christmas celebration

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Helen Malpuss
Helen Malpuss signed up to a community mission.

Mon 2nd Dec at 6:30pm

Keep Rose Road even rosier!

Provide a nice space for disabled children and young people to access

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Helen Malpuss
Helen Malpuss signed up to a community mission.

Mon 25th Nov at 6:30pm

Helping out at Southampton City Farm

Helping the farm to transform the community and lives of those who use it

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