Monday 23rd October 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Pauline Harrison
On a beautiful, balmy Monday evening a great group of GoodGymers gathered at The Greenhouse Project...for a spot of get- fit gardening. Having walked, run or cycled, we were all ready for an upper body workout...and we weren't disappointed. Our good friend, and Forest School Leader, Chris, was on hand to direct operations: Having uncovered a pear tree on our previous visit, we were to finish clearing brambles from around it, and spreading mulch in the fire circle area. Armed with shovels, loppers, shears and determination, we filled the wheelbarrows with heaps of brambles and mulch, until both areas were transformed. Aditya and I worked up a healthy glow, shovelling the last of the mulch, with help from Sallyann, with transporting and spreading. My 'Hacker Harrison' status was challenged by Steph, as she took to the brambles with gusto...and a pair of loppers that made short work of the thickest stems. Heetu (taskforce!!!) and Liam ('not taskforce, just normal' 😉) covered quite a distance, running back and to along the path, with armsful of brambles. It was lovely to see Farnaz, who kept herself very busy and was keen to try out the hardware by chopping down some hardy undergrowth. As more ground was cleared, and the area revealed, Ema began to gather together a collection of footballs that had been hidden in the the end of the hour there were 5! Chris was delighted with the results of our labours, and we were happy to have completed our 24th task for this very worthy cause. Watch this space for our next Greenhose Project report, and one of our very favourite tasks, which will mark 25 visits!
The Greenhouse Project is a charity founded in 1997 in the heart of Toxteth, Liverpool designed to give disadvantaged children and young people the opportunity to increase their creative potential and grow their life chances.
See moreLiverpool
Supporting a community garden project